Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer Glau at Fan Expo Canada 2010

I got Summer's autograph! Woot! She was super nice.
This was taken a couple weeks ago at Fan Expo Canada 2010 in Toronto!

I am a HUGE fan of hers. I've only seen her in Firefly/Serenity and Terminator Sarah Conner Chronicles (BOTH AMAZING BTW check it out if you haven't).

What celebrities do you wish you could meet?


  1. so.. where is the autograph? no pic? D:

  2. this is a good post that makes me want to come back for more

  3. sexy chick...
    nice blog you have here bro
    will be back and following~

  4. Nice! I thought I recognized her, just watched Salvation last night again.

  5. I can think of other things I'd like to do with her than get an autograph.
